
Software vulnerability management has become a must have technology for enterprises seeking to master application life-cycle management, where revisions can have an impact on the security posture of a business and change must be recorded, vetted, and validated against the constructs of compliance. Software Vulnerability Manager (SVM) enhances businesses’ ability to manage and control software vulnerability threats comprehensively across their entire application estates.
Capabilities in Software Vulnerability Manager (SVM) include information on alleged vulnerabilities that did not pass the validation criteria by Secunia Research and are therefore not categorized as having a security impact. This benefits customers who need to document decisions to not act on possible vulnerabilities for compliance or auditing purposes. Another new feature enables importing software inventories from Microsoft System Center 2012 to correlate vulnerability intelligence with asset lists, thereby reducing time required to mitigate threat and exposure to incidents and breaches.
Covering more than 50,000 software systems and applications Software Vulnerability Manager (SVM) provides the most comprehensive intelligence about software vulnerabilities available to organizations, ensuring that all security threats can be dealt with before the IT infrastructure is compromised by cybercriminals. Through verified vulnerability intelligence covering all applications and systems across all platforms, it effectively reduces the attack surface for cybercriminals, drives prioritization by handling intelligence, workflows, tickets and alerts, and documents the steps to mitigate the risk of costly breaches.

Assessment Discover and track thousands of applications across Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. Flexera offers multiple options – agent or agentless – to determine what applications exist along with their patch status. Our proprietary scanning technology is light-weight and non-intrusive. Applications are quickly identified based on their associated .EXE, .DLL and .OCX files regardless of their installation path.

Advisories Understand the criticality of the vulnerability by leveraging the ratings provided by Secunia Research. Secunia Advisories contain detailed information on the vulnerability, attack vector, impact and more. They provide easy to understand details to assess risk, prioritize patching and automate the execution of appropriate actions.

Smart Groups Slice, dice, group and organize your assets to segment your devices with easy to use Smart Groups. Along with criticality ratings, you can more effectively prioritize remediation based on what’s important to you, and the uniqueness of your organization. Report and send alerts based on logical groups that help decision making and track the progress of your efforts.

Non-Microsoft Patching for Windows Complete your patch management solution by adding the ability to identify vulnerable non-Microsoft applications. SVM even offers pre-packaged and tested patches for the most common Windows desktop applications. Our specialists disable prompts to accept EULA and creation of shortcuts and deliver the packages in the embedded Software Packaging System.
Software Packaging System Easily implement applicability rules; configure updates, uninstall and customize packages leveraging easy to use templates. This packaging system makes it quick and easy to configure patches for deployment.

Integration with WSUS and SCCM Integrate with your Microsoft tools for patch deployment. Software Vulnerability Manager makes it easy to extend your investment in WSUS and SCCM for patching beyond Microsoft updates.

Live Updates No need to scan constantly to get an updated landscape of your vulnerable software. With Live Updates you stay on top of those critical changes that require your attention without the need to perform full scans.

Dashboard Get a clear understanding of the vulnerability status of your environment. Follow remediation activities and trends. Focus on the data that matters to you and drill down for more information.

Reporting Produce customized reports and keep your team and organization informed of the status of compliance with policies and regulations. Report on vulnerability risk and patching activities.

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